A Qualitative Analysis of Strategic Management and Planning in the Gambian Public Service Organizations

Keywords: delivery, organisation, public service, plan implementation, strategic management, strategic planning


Abstract Views: 153

The current study investigates the strategic management and planning practices in the public service delivery (PSD) in public service organizations (PSOs) in The Gambia, West Africa. This study adopted a qualitative research design by conducting in-depth interviews with the senior public servants and beneficiaries of the selected PSOs, with a sample size of 20, by using a purposive sampling technique. The findings from these interviews showed that strategic plans of PSOs were formulated, implemented, and evaluated in consultation with both internal and external stakeholders. Moreover, to accommodate the divergent views and interests of influential groups and individuals, this study also, established that PSOs reviewed and effected slight changes in their strategic plans to keep abreast with the environment during the implementation process. Thus, this paper concluded that strategic management has significantly shaped PSD of PSOs. Finally, the study revealed that strategic plan implementation had a positive impact on PSD and helped in achieving the goals and objectives of PSOs in PSD in The Gambia.



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How to Cite
Sawaneh, B. (2022). A Qualitative Analysis of Strategic Management and Planning in the Gambian Public Service Organizations. Governance and Society Review, 1(2), 43-71. https://doi.org/10.32350/gsr.12.03