Addressing Violence Against Women: Impact of Education and Culture in Lahore, Pakistan

  • Dawood Nawaz Islamic university Bahawalpur
  • Zermina Tasleem Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, Pakistan.
  • Aiza Saif University of the Punjab
Keywords: education, culture, norms, violence, women


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This study explores the interplay between education and cultural factors in shaping the prevalence and response to violence against women in Lahore, Pakistan. Despite increasing awareness, violence against women remains a significant issue in the region, influenced by both educational levels and cultural norms. The cross-sectional survey method was used to collect data and the sample size was 384 houses. SPSS was used to interpret the data. The findings showed a significant relationship between factors, such as low educational attainment and cultural/community norms and violence against women. These observations have important ramifications for legislators. This study contributes valuable knowledge that informs both academic discourse and practical interventions, ultimately aiding in the development of more effective strategies to combat violence against women in Lahore and other similar places.


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How to Cite
Nawaz, D., Tasleem, Z., & Aiza Saif. (2024). Addressing Violence Against Women: Impact of Education and Culture in Lahore, Pakistan. Governance and Society Review, 3(2), 99–119. Retrieved from