Nationalism in the Light of Said Nursi Badiuzzaman and His Framework for Social Solidarity

  • Adibah Abdul Rahim Department of Usul al Din and Comparative Religion Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM).
  • Elmira Akhtmetova Department of History and Civilization Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)
Keywords: Nationalism, Negative nationalism, Positive nationalism, Said Nursi Badiuzzaman, Islamic Nationhood, Social solidarity


Abstract Views: 259

For the past few centuries, the impact of nationalism had been discussed widely by scholars both in the Western and the Muslim world in various perspectives. Some authors claimed that nationalism had caused a lot of conflicts and wars among the nations. On the other hand, some others argued that nationalism was
a binding force which stabilized the fragmented territories of nation-states with the sentiments of nationalism. This paper attempts at analyzing Badiuzzaman Said Nursi’s approach towards the issue of nationalism. He did not merely criticize nationalism; he offered a better way through his approach to a sociology of Islam. Nursi explains and advocates for positive forms of social solidarity and cohesion that elevate a group of people to noble action, and provides the Islamic grounding for that position. Within the various conflicts afflicted around the world today, Nursi’s ideas of nationalism and social solidary are seen
relevant and necessary in context.


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How to Cite
Adibah Abdul Rahim, and Elmira Akhtmetova. 2019. “Nationalism in the Light of Said Nursi Badiuzzaman and His Framework for Social Solidarity”. Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization 9 (1), 37-51.