Social Change in the Time of Covid-19: A Phenomenal Study in Malaysia from the Perspective of Maqasid Al-Sharī‘ah

The COVID-19 pandemic has made a huge impact on Malaysia since the first Movement Control Order (MCO) was implemented in March 2020. All sectors including the economic sector, tourism, services, sports, the religious sector and entertainment have been subjected to the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), such as the wearing of face masks, hygienic care and physical distancing. Although compliance with the SOPs can still be questioned, it is undeniable that it has changed the society’s way of living in Malaysia as the people are urged to adopt and adapt to the new norms in order to combat the spread of the virus. In fact, social change in times of COVID-19 can be considered as a new ‘urf (custom) practiced by the whole Islamic world. The issue is that these new changes coming with the application of the various SOPs for virus prevention are claimed to be for the benefit of religion, health, economy and education. Through phenomenal methodologies/Using a phenomenological methodology, this study emphasizes two main objectives, that are, explaining social change due to COVID-19 in Malaysia and analysing the correlation between social change and the parameters of maqāsid al-sharī‘ah (the higher purposes of Shari’ah) in each new practice. In conclusion, it should be emphasized that the current social change must correspond with maqasid al-shari’ah especially in dealing with the matters of the religion.
Keywords: COVID-19, Maqasid al-sharī‘ah, Social change, Standard Operation Procedure (SOP), Malaysia
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Copyright (c) 2021 Muhammad Safwan Harun, Mohd Farhan Md. Ariffin , Muhammad Ikhlas Rosele

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