The Impact of Rumors in KSA and its Resolution as Stated in Hadith

Keywords: Rumors; Individual & Society; Prophet's traditions; KSA; rumormongering.


Abstract Views: 217

The danger of rumor-mongering became familiar since Adam was expelled from AI-Jannah (Paradise). This led the researcher in this study to evaluate the position of people with regards to rumors and its effect on the society. This research adopted the typical approach to investigate the Prophet's traditions on rumors from the nine basic collections of hadith and analyze their texts to bring out the negative religious, social and economic effects of rumors on the individual and society. Also, this research used the questionnaire as one of the quantitative approach tools to attain precise results in the study that was conducted on Saudi Arabia by selecting several random samples to whom the questionnaires were distributed, and feedback was collected. (97%) of the total feedback collected was suitable for analysis. However, the questionnaire contained the aspects such as position of people regarding rumors and effect of rumors on the individual and society religiously, socially and economically. The study concluded that there are few numbers of people who pay attention to spreading every news they hear or read without verification. In the study, the researcher also discussed the religious, social and economic effects of rumors on the individual and society and it became clear that rumors affect the individual religiously, socially and economically at a (very low level). Also, the recommendations including: to conduct a careful and specialist study of this subject, to generalize the teachings of the dangers of rumor mongering in order to curtail it and to establish a specialized body to fight rumormongering.

Keywords: Rumors; Individual & Society; Prophet's traditions; KSA; Rumormongering


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How to Cite
Hamed Othman Fallatah, Mohd Al’ikhsan Bin Ghazali, Ahmad Shehab, and Nurazmallail Bin Marni. 2021. “The Impact of Rumors in KSA and Its Resolution As Stated in Hadith”. Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization 11 (1), 439-52.