Educational Tradition of Ijāzah in Islamic History with Reference to Persian Milieu

From the earliest periods of Islamic history and civilization, the educational system was originally religious in nature. It began with the mosque as its centre, from which other educational institutions such as the maktab, the bayt al-hikmah, the majālis, the dār al-‛ulūm, and the madāris gradually developed. In addition, from the vast fields of medicine, astronomy and the devotional sciences emerges the advent of hospitals, observatories, and the zāwiyah within Sūfī fraternities. In the aforementioned educational institutions, students were trained in different fields of Islamic studies that systematically includes both transmitted and applied subjects by their professors. Moreover, they were able to select their professors as they wished. When they had completed their studies, according to a certain level of proficiency to the professor’s satisfaction, they would traditionally be accorded a ‘licence to teach’, a so-called ijāzah, either by one professor or by more than one. It is this ijāzah tradition which has a long history in Muslim education, which deserved special attention where the Persian milieu were part of this tradition right from the beginning; and in some places until the present day. Ijāzah tradition played a very significant role not only among Muslims but also among other religions; therefore, this article studies this unique educational tradition with special reference to Persian milieu.
Keywords: Education, ijāzah, Islamic civilization, Islamic history, Persian milieu
Published Ijāzahs
The ijâzetnâme of Idris Fahmi b. al-Hajj Salih al-Muyanchawi granted by ‘Abdur-Rahman Sari b. Sayfullah al-Uskubi, in the year 1306A.H./1886A.D., Published in Mesut Idriz, Një Ixhāze i shekullit XIX i lëshuar në Ballkan: Ixhāze origjinal i Idris Fehmi ibn Salihut dhe përkthimi i tij me shënime [A 19th Century Ijāzah Issued in the Balkans: Idrīs Fahmī b. Sālih’s Original Ijāzah And Its Annotated Albanian Translation]. Skopje/Shkup: Logos-A, 2009.
The ijāzah of Abu al-Ma‘ali Shihabud-Din al-Husayni al-Mar‘ashi al-Najafi granted by ‘Abdul-Hafiz b. Muhammad al-Tahiri al-Fahri al-Fasi (n.d.), Published in Mahmud Al-Mar‘ashi, Al-Musalsalat fi al-Ijāzāt, vol:1, 312-340. Qum: Hafidh, 1416 A.H.-1995 A.D.
The ijāzah of Abu al-Ma‘ali Shihabud-Din al-Mar‘ashi granted by Muhammad Sadiq Bahrul-‘Ulum al-Tabataba’i (1315-1399A.H.) in the year 1350 A.H. Published in Mahmud Al-Mar‘ashi. Al-Musalsalat fi al-Ijāzāt, vol:1. 171-172. Qum: Hafidh, 1416 A.H.-1995 A.D.
The ijāzah of Abu al-Ma‘li Shihabud-Din al-Husayni al-Mar‘ashi al-Najafi granted by Mirza Fakhrud-Din al-Husayni al-Tahiri al-Qumi, (n.d.). Published in Mahmud Al-Mar‘ashi, Al-Musalsalat fi al-Ijāzāt, vol: 1, Qum: Hafidh, 1416 A.H.-1995 A.D.
The icâzetnâme of Hafiz Muhammad Shadi b. Ayyub Sabri al-Amasyawi (1885-1952 A.D.) granted by Mustafa ‘Asim b. Muhammad Nasuh al-Islambuli, Abu al-Kamal Muhammad ‘Atif b. Mustafa al-Kilisawi, Yusuf Nadir b. ‘Abdul-Qadir al-Hamshini and Muhammad Rashid b. Damas al-Husayni, in the year 1338A.H., Published in Huseyin Atay, “Fatih Suleymaniye Medreseleri Ders Programlari ve Icazet-Nameler.” [Fatih Suleymanie Madrasas Curriculum and Ijazat Namas]. 207-217, Vakiflar Dergisi, vol.: 13, 1981.
The ijāzah of Muhammad Shadi b. Ayyub Sabri al-Amasyawi granted by M. ‘Arif b. Mustafa al-Wazir-Kubri, in the year 1332A.H. Published in Huseyin Atay, “Fatih Suleymaniye Medreseleri Ders Programlari ve Icazet-Nameler.” [Fatih Suleymanie Madrasas Curriculum and Ijazat Namas]. 218-225. Vakiflar Dergisi, vol.: 13, 1981.
The ijāzah of M. Khalusi b. ‘Abdul-Wahid al-Rizawi granted by Ahmad Hamdi b. Mustafa al-Charshanbawi, in the year 1327A.H., Published in Huseyin Atay, “Fatih Suleymaniye Medreseleri Ders Programlari ve Icazet-Nameler.” 226-232. [Fatih Suleymanie Madrasas Curriculum and Ijazat Namas]Vakiflar Dergisi, vol.: 13, 1981.
The ijāzah of M. Khulusi b. ‘Umar Sh‘aban al-Ikini granted by Ibrahim b. Khalil Rashid b. ‘Ali al-Ikini, in the year 1298A.H. (Published in Ebul’ula Mardin, Huzur Dersleri, vols.: II-III, 732-760, Istanbul: Istanbul Akgul Matbaasi, 1966.
The ijāzah of ‘Abdul-Qadir Rashid b. Mustafa Khalusi al-Bargamawi granted by M. Wasfi b. Mustafa al-Qastamuni. (Published in Ebul’ula Mardin, Huzur Dersleri, vols.: II-III, 716-731, Istanbul: Istanbul Akgul Matbaasi, 1966.
The ijāzah of Uways Wafi b. M. al-Arzinjani granted by Abu Kamal M. ‘Atif al-Istanbuli, in the year 1311A.H. (Published in Ebul’ula Mardin, Huzur Dersleri, vols.: II-III, 703-715, Istanbul: Istanbul Akgul Matbaasi, 1966.
The ijāzah of Ahmad Hamdi b. ‘Ali b. Fayzullah al-Qratuwawi granted by Hasan b. Husayin b. Khalil al-Tawasi al-Yarankusuwi. (Published in Ebul’ula Mardin, Huzur Dersleri, vols.: II-III, 661-702, Istanbul: Istanbul Akgul Matbaasi, 1966.
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