Congruency Between Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory and the Principles of Maqasid Sharī‘ah

Maslow's initial five levelled theory of ‘hierarchy of needs is one of the most popular theories on motivation albeit its many criticisms particularly related to the lack of scientific rigour to narrow cultural perspectives. However, it’s propensity towards the self has called for a review of the theory with Maslow himself finally proposing a sixth level (self-transcendence) at the new apex of the pyramid above ‘self-actualization’ and the other four levels of needs. However, the original five level of needs is still preferred by most researchers globally. Human motivation and needs have long been discussed in ‘Islamic scholarship’ for centuries, but it is rarely represented in ‘Western academic’ discussions of ‘Islamic motivation’. Unfortunately, some studies tend to explore the integration of Islamic theories and Western ideologies by incorporating the Maqasid Sharī‘ah with ‘Maslow’s hierarchy of needs’. Such approach tends to ignore the distinct influence of Islam on behaviour and self-perception as Islam delivers a unique ‘spiritual perspective’ on the relationship between motivators and the self that most ‘Western models’ do not provide. The authors believe that the Maqasid Sharī‘ah is constantly revolving in a dynamic state that changes continuously and should not be portrayed as static in nature. Thus, a framework with the Maqasid Sharī‘ah as overarching contextual factor that constantly influences Maslow's five levels of needs is proposed accordingly.
Keywords: contextual factors, integration, Islamic motivation, Maslow’s-hierarchy-of-needs-theory, Maqasid Sharī‘ah
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