A Critical Analysis of Some Ideals of Postmodernism in Various Fields of Knowledge and Morality

  • Muhammad Awais Shaukat Institute of Islamic Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Tahira Basharat Department of Islamic Thought and Civilization University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
Keywords: epistemology, meta-narratives, pluralism, postmodernism, relativism, values


Abstract Views: 319

Postmodernism was born under Western episteme and is based on the rejection of the narratives given by modernity. The first and foremost characteristic of postmodernism is the rejection of absolutism including absolute truth and it propagates relativism in every field as the only possible solution. Moreover, it does not endorse absolute values and beliefs, contemplates human identity as the construction of society and denies essentialism. It does not endorse the idea that values are a source of development and rejects the idea that human actions are influenced by predetermined ideals. The texts that have been the source of change and guidance for millions of people throughout the history have been devoid of all their sacredness and authenticity using the theory of deconstruction. This theory gives every reader the right to interpret every text according to his own will and liking. Postmodern debates have influenced every field of knowledge. Even the morality and the value system endorsed by postmodernism is relative and subjective instead of absolute and objective. This research paper is based on the descriptive method and provides a critical examination of postmodernism and its impact on various fields of knowledge.


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How to Cite
Muhammad Awais Shaukat, and Tahira Basharat. 2019. “A Critical Analysis of Some Ideals of Postmodernism in Various Fields of Knowledge and Morality”. Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization 9 (2), 111-26. https://doi.org/10.32350/jitc.92.06.