The Philosophy of Creativity, Innovation, and Technology from an Islāmic Perspective

The current study aims to shed light on the often-overlooked Islamic history and its lasting legacy, countering the dominant western discourse. It seeks to highlight the creativity, innovation, and technology that emerged from the rich classical Islamic heritage. The remarkable civilization forged by Muslim scholars and scientists across various fields of human knowledge was only made possible due to their profound belief and religious duty to promote creativity in human existence. Therefore, the current research aims to present, a philosophical study of innovation and creativity based on the Qur’ān and Sunnah supported by classical and modern Islamic literature. This study also deploys an analytical and descriptive approach to conduct an analysis of present literature on Islamic origin. Moreover, this article is a scholarly attempt to demystify the principles and values that regulate the philosophy of creativity and innovation in Islām. Additionally, it presents an Islamic view on Muslim’s existing moral issues of innovation, creativity, and technology by drawing upon the teachings and principles of Qur’ān and Sunnah. To achieve, the proposed goals of this article, many Islāmic texts that urge innovation, creativity, and pay a special concern to the talented and skilled, were consulted. Hence, the research determined that Islamic heritage has a lot to contribute to the modern conceptualization of innovative and creative human life, which motivates Muslims’ to compete with others in this regard. Consequently, there is no such thing in Islam that prevents a Muslim from excelling in technology, which brings benefits and repels harm, while following the principles and teachings of the Qur’ān and Sunnah.
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