Impact of Postmodernism on the Thought of Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals (IMIs)

Keywords: hermeneutic, Islamic studies, pluralism, postmodernism, religion, relativism


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Postmodernism is a worldview that borrowed its nomenclature from an era after modernism into progressive thought that turned into a reputed idea denouncing the absolute truth, affirming relativism, pluralism, and hermeneutics. The current study attempted to disclose their impact on the thought of Indonesian Muslim intellectuals (IMI). However, the depiction of the idea of postmodernism and its embedded concepts would precede it. The current study was based on a qualitative research design and the data was utilized from the prevailing discourses in mass media, journal articles, books, MA thesis, and PhD dissertation. To analyze the data, descriptive and critical analysis methods were adopted. The research determined the impact of postmodernism on the thought of IMI which can be identified in three major issues namely, in the Qur’ānic studies, in gender equality, and in religious pluralism. In a number of articles, books, and theses the IMIs have applied the postmodern hermeneutic approach to Qur’ānic studies uncritically. Consequently, it can shift or override the science of interpretation in Islam (tafsīr). In gender equality, the influence is even clearer, since the IMIs applied this postmodern doctrine and search justification from the Qur’ān by using hermeneutical approach which brought about discrepancies in legal decisions. The impact of postmodern relativism on religious pluralism is apparent. In this part, the IMI discourses revolve around the validity of all religions, implying the denouncement of absolute truth or the exclusivity of religion, including Islam. In fact, each of the three major issues could be scrutinized further.


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How to Cite
Zarkasyi, Hamid Fahmy, Henri Shalahuddin, Harda Armayanto, and Mohd Fauzi Hamat. 2023. “Impact of Postmodernism on the Thought of Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals (IMIs)”. Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization 13 (2), 29-47.