Holy Kaaba Names in the Holy Qur’ān: A Stylistic Study

  • Abdulla Hassan Al-Qurni Department of Arabic Language and Literature, College of Arts and Letters at Bisha, University of Bisha, Bisha, Saudi Arabia https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3592-6511
  • Yahya Abduladhim Hassanin Department of Arabic Language and Literature, College of Arts and Letters at Bisha, University of Bisha, Bisha, Saudi Arabia
  • Kamal Ahmed Mohammed Zein Islamic College for women in Assiut, Al-Azhar University, Saudi Arabia
  • Muna Adil Fathi Abdulghani Department of Rhetoric and Criticism, College of Islamic and Arab Studies for Women in Cairo, Al-Azhar University, Egypt
Keywords: Holy Kaaba, Qur’ānic context, rhetorical, stylistics, syntactic


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The current study attempted to stylistically examine the names of the Holy Kaaba mentioned in the Holy Qur’ān in order to reveal the rhetorical expressions of each name. The study intended to reveal that each name of Kaaba is related to its linguistic and lexical meanings. It reflects the accuracy of the Holy Qur’ān to link these names with their meanings. Moreover, the study also focused on the most important structures and systems of the verses that encompass these names. Scholars believe that considering the Qur’ānic context is one aspect of the Qur’ānic Ijaz (inimitability). The rhetorical analysis of a text depends on the stylistic view of all its facets. Every name of Kaaba is fixed in its position and designed to fit in its context, based on the preference rule. Thus, the preference of the name comes in that particular position, not in the other one, since each name has its own definite aspects and characteristics which harmonize with the verses’ systems and contexts.


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How to Cite
Al-Qurni, Abdulla Hassan, Yahya Abduladhim Hassanin, Kamal Ahmed Mohammed Zein, and Muna Adil Fathi Abdulghani. 2024. “Holy Kaaba Names in the Holy Qur’ān: A Stylistic Study”. Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization 14 (1), 372-86. https://doi.org/10.32350/jitc.141.22.