Islamic Paradigm of International Relations in Times of Peace and Conflict: A Conceptual Framework

Keywords: Islamic Paradigm, Peace, Conflict, International Relations, Acquaintance, Cooperation


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This study aims to demonstrate that Islam, as a religion, has an integrated paradigm to deal with international relations. The paradigm includes both peaceful and defensive frameworks applicable during times of peace and conflict, respectively. These two frameworks are based on several foundations and concepts that complement each other to establish the paradigm. The peaceful framework is based on three criteria, namely acquaintance, cooperation, and counseling. While, the defensive framework is based on the reprehension of warfare, the necessity of repelling, and the prioritization of benevolence. The current study seeks to elucidate each of these six concepts and their interconnectedness in shaping the Islamic paradigm of international relations. It relied on inductive and analytical methods to achieve these goals and concluded that Islam’s approach to repelling aggression is primarily rooted in the disapproval of warfare, and that using force is considered a last resort when peace cannot be achieved through other means.  Then, when the Muslims are dominant over their opponents, emphasis shifts towards benevolence and tolerance, over seeking justice or revenge.


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How to Cite
Al-Shamari, Nayef. 2024. “Islamic Paradigm of International Relations in Times of Peace and Conflict: A Conceptual Framework”. Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization 14 (1), 40-54.