Sufism Revisited: A Comprehensive Analysis of Emha Ainun Najib’s Philosophical Contributions to Modern Society

This research explores the significant impact of modern Sufi teachings spearheaded by Emha Ainun Najib, or Cak Nun, on the members of Jamaah Maiyah in Indonesia. As a charismatic Muslim intellectual, Cak Nun introduces the concept of Tasawuf into the reality of modern life, emphasizing human values, tolerance, and local cultural heritage. The research employs a qualitative approach with a descriptive method, involving in-depth interviews with members and key figures of Jamaah Maiyah, as well as participatory observation of religious practices in various community activities, such as Pandang Bulan, Bang-bang Wetan, Kedirian, and Kenduri Cinta, held in 2023 in East Java, Indonesia. The findings highlight the positive reception of modern Sufi concepts by Jamaah Maiyah, connected to positive changes in religious practices and daily outlooks. The social and cultural impact manifests in attitudes of tolerance, social concern, and awareness of human values. Cak Nun’s teachings encourage members to engage in personal introspection and achieve a balance between the worldly pursuits and the spiritual endeavors. This research not only demonstrates the relevance of Tasawuf in the modern era but also identifies its contribution in shaping the character and perspectives of religious communities. These findings provide a profound understanding and insights into how modern Sufi teachings can act as a positive force in fostering positive attitudes and values in the contemporary society.
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