Analyzing the Mediating Roles of Attitude and Awareness in shaping the Relationship between Religiosity and the Purchase Intention of Halal Cosmetics

This research investigates the influence of consumer attitude and awareness on the intention to buy halal cosmetics, particularly examining the role of consumer religiosity. As halal product demand rises, especially in Pakistan, it is essential to promote positive consumer attitudes and raise awareness to increase halal purchases. The current research was conducted in Punjab, Pakistan, with student participants from private medical colleges and universities. A quantitative approach was used, incorporating pre-testing and pilot testing, followed by survey distribution through random sampling. A total of 379 responses were deemed valid and analyzed. Data analysis was done using SPSS, while structural equation modeling (SEM) was performed using AMOS. The study found that while religiosity alone did not directly influence halal purchase intentions; instead, both attitude and awareness served as significant mediators. In other words, religiosity only impacts purchase intentions when paired with positive attitudes and heightened awareness. These insights contribute to the halal cosmetics industry and literature, offering strategies for policymakers and marketers in Pakistan's expanding halal cosmetics market to better manage consumer awareness and attitudes.
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