Philosophizing Tasawwuf: The Postmodern Cult of Sufism

  • Dr. Iftikhar Shafi Department of English University of Karachi


Abstract Views: 183

The paper is a critical study of some relatively recent Western approaches to tasawwuf. These so-called post structuralist approaches, the deconstructionist being chief among them, seem to extend the earlier orientalist attempts, as that of Henry Corbin, Reynolds Nicholson or Pervez Morevidge, of philosophizing tasawwuf, thus turning it into one among various other ‗isms‘ conveniently available to the Western critical understanding. Reviewing Ian Almond‘s Deconstruction and Sufism and The New Orientalists, the paper argues that in their preoccupation with tracing apparent affinities between the deconstructive/ post-structuralist and the Sufi positions on the socalled ‗metaphysics of presence‘, what such studies often overlook is the epistemological difference between these two discourses. It remains a matter of some detailed discussion, which the paper does propose to attempt, to see that these recent critical approaches in the West, despite their avowed project of announcing the demise of philosophy, still somehow remain essentially complicit with the tradition of thought they look to dismantle.


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Harold Bloom, Kabbalah and Criticism, 89-90. 76 Rumi, Fihi ma Fih, trans. W. M. Thackston Jr., Signs of the Unseen, The Discourses of Jalaluddin Rumi, 76. 77 Rumi, The Mathnawi, VI/ 739. 78 See an example of this authoritative treatment of the Sheikh: ‗… when Ibn Arabi quotes the hadith ―O Lord, increase my perplexity concerning you‖… what he is really asking is : O Lord, confuse and confound the simplistic limitations I have attempted to cage You within‘. Almond in doing this is not only interpreting Ibn Arabi on his own authority but is claiming to interpret the hadith itself. Sufism and Deconstruction, 42. 79 Ahmed Sarhindi Mujaddid Alf Thani, Maktubat Hazrat Mujaddid Alf Thani, trans. Mawlana Syed Zawwar Hussein Shah, (Karachi: Idarah Mujaddidyah, n. d.), letter no. 266, vol. 1 part 2, 251.

How to Cite
Dr. Iftikhar Shafi. 2011. “Philosophizing Tasawwuf: The Postmodern Cult of Sufism”. Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization 1 (1), 1-24.