The Inter-relationship between Ibadah and Halal Finance

  • Muhammad Masudur Rahman


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1Muhammad Asad, The Road to Mecca (New York: Simon and Schuster,
1954) ,57-62.
Ibid., 324.
3Asad, Islam at Crossroads (Gibraltar: Dār al Andalus, 1934), .11
4 He criticized his own society by saying that, “….They belonged to а
generation which, while paying lip service to one or another of the religious
faiths that had shaped the lives of its ancestors, never made theslightest
endeavour to conform its practical life oreven its ethical thought to those
teachings. In such а society the very concept of religion had been degraded to
one of two things: the wooden ritual of those who clung by habit—and only
habit—to their religious heritage, or the cynical insouciance of the more
'liberal' ones who сопsidered religion as an outmoded superstition to which
one might, on occasion, outwardly conform but of which оne was secretly
ashamed, as of something intellectually indefensible….” (See Asad, Road to
Makkah,op.cit.,60). He also criticized the cruel political maneuver designed
against Palestinians to subjugate them in their own country. (See Asad, Road
to Mecca,op.cit.,101-109)
5Elsaid M. Badawi Muhammad Abdel Haleem, Dictionary of Qur’anic
Usage(Leiden, Boston: Brills, 2008), 481.
The Message of Qur’ān, 5:3, 206.
8Asad, The Principles of State and Government in Islam (Gibraltar: Dar alAndalus, 1980), 3.
11Asad, This Law of Ours and Other Essays (Gibralter: Dar al Andalus, 1987,
Reprinted 1993), 41.
12Asad, The Message of the Qur‘ān, foot note 66 against verse no.
05:48,(Gibraltar: Dār al Andalus, 1980),223.
13Ibid., foot note 18 against verse no. 45:18: 1043.
14Asad, This law of Ours and Other Essays, 41.
15Asad, Islam at Crossroads, 30.
16Asad, This Law of Ours and Other Essays, 20.
17Asad, The Principles of State and Government in Islam, 12.
19For details of Islamic legal penalties See Mufti Muhammad Shafi,
Ma‘ārifal-Qur’ān, Eng. Tr. Muhammad Shamim, (Karachi: DarulUlum
Karachi, 1995),130ff.
20Asad, The Message of the Qur‘ān,foot note 48 against verse no. 5:38, p. 218
22Ibid., foot note 147 against verse no. 2:178, (71-72 )
23Ibid., foot note 151 against verse no. 2:179, p. 73.
24Asad, This Law of Ours and Other Essays, 41.
25Erwin I.J. Rosenthal, Islam in the Modern National Sate (Cambridge: The
University Press, 1965), 125-126.
26Asad, This Law of Ours and Other Essays, 41.
How to Cite
Rahman, Muhammad Masudur. 2019. “The Inter-Relationship Between Ibadah and Halal Finance”. Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization 5 (1), 15-24.