Placing His Thoughts in Perspective

A Survey of Works on Fazlur Rahman

  • Navin G. Haider Ali Pakistan Study Centre, University of Karachi
Keywords: Fazlur Rahman, methodology, Islamicists, Qur’ān, interpretation


Abstract Views: 98

Fazlur Rahman, the renowned Muslim thinker who lived in the second half of the twentieth century, impacted young scholars and students of Islam of his generation and those of the next, both from the Muslim world and the West. Many research scholars and thinkers who have written on Islam have been highly impressed by his
methodology of interpreting the Qur’ān which is why there has been so much focus on this aspect of his work in the context of his contribution to Islamic scholarship. However, while one is drawn to examine this aspect of his work, there are other equally interesting aspect of his thoughts that have not been given the equal treatment, such as a study of the evolution of his thought over various decades of his life and career etc. The present article is meant to present a critical survey of the works of Islamicists on Fazlur Rahman’s thought and contribution.


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How to Cite
Navin G. Haider Ali. 2019. “Placing His Thoughts in Perspective”. Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization 6 (2), 18-34.