Beyond Violence: Deconstructing the Contemporary Western Discourse of Jihād
Abstract Views: 103The concept of Jihād is one of the debated and discussed issues in the west today, largely due to the fact that various extremist groups operating in and out of many Muslim countries are trying to justify their terrible acts through reference to the divine institution of Jihād. This has in turn, provided an open and free atmosphere for
many anti-Islamic elements, radical extremists, and prejudiced non-Muslims, to attack and defame the true message of Islam deliberately; and for the common masses’ a misunderstanding of the concept of Jihād that they justify by mere referencing to the violent acts committed by certain Muslim groups. The present paper, in this background, attempts to explore and highlight the holistic institution the Jihād encompasses, away from its dominant perception as war or physical fighting. It demonstrates that Jihād has a much broader concept; Jihād is a striving against one’s self to eradicate the evil impulses; it signifies to end the corruption, suppression, and
aggression on the earth to establish peace characterizes by the presence of justice.
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