Future of Islamic Civilization, Emerging Issues and New Horizons

A Study of Malaysian Islamic Movements

  • Sajid Iqbal Sheikh Department of Islamic Thought and Civilization, University of Management and Technology, Sialkot Campus
  • Muhammad Tahir Mustafa Department of Islamic Thought and Civilization, University of Management and Technology, Lahore
Keywords: Islamic civilization, Malaysian Islamic movements, electoral process, militant wave


Abstract Views: 185

This paper investigates four dimensions of Islamic Movements in Malaysian context. The first one is about the impacts of Islamic Movements instigating the development of Islamic civilization in Malaysia. Second one deals with emerging issues and modern trends in their futuristic approach and strategy. Third one evaluates sanity and diversity in issues and conflicts both in local and global perspectives. Finally, it examines the Western response and transformational role of the external world. General elections 2013 in Malaysia has marked a huge sign on the future politics of the country. National Front (BN: Barisan Nasional) faced major setback of fifty years in the history of Malaysian politics, government was unable to amend the constitution due to the absence of two third majority in the parliament because opposition collation Pakatan Rakayat (PR) grown more than fifty percent votes and more seats in federal and state legislative assemblies. Islamic Party of Malaysia (PAS) is one of the major fragments of opposition alliance. Among other Islamic organizations of the country PAS has achieved better growth and proved itself a distinguished Muslim political power of the country. Political process seems to be a better and safe way to achieve their ultimate goal of Islamic Resurgence for prominent Islamic movements of the world including PAS. We observe lot of bindings, barriers and challenges for them in different countries like, Egypt, Algeria, and Tunisia etc. The paper analyses ideological commonalities of different Islamic Movements of the world and concludes that specific circumstances demand certain approaches and finds out that Islamic movements asserting on peaceful process to attain massive support and
handlings challenges both from world powers, Muslim secularists and radical youth groups.


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How to Cite
Sajid Iqbal Sheikh, and Muhammad Tahir Mustafa. 2019. “Future of Islamic Civilization, Emerging Issues and New Horizons”. Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization 6 (2), 111-34. https://journals.umt.edu.pk/index.php/JITC/article/view/77.