Wasatiyyah (Islamic Moderation)
A Conceptual Analysis from Islamic Knowledge Management Perspective

In an environment created by globalization and information affluence, the issue of moderation represents the primary concern of parents, educators, scholars, and leaders. The concept is somehow complicated and is regarded as personal or religious in practice and thought. In fact, there is no definite answer to the question
of what constitutes moderation. This paper examines the concept of Islamic Moderation (Wasatiyyah), its background and to analyze its common conceptual aspects or principles from the perspective of Islamic Knowledge Management (IKM). This exploration is an initiative to critically review, analyze and (re)construct
the existing formulations of IM within contemporary understanding and practices. The focus remains on identifying aspects of the relationship value of knowledge, its functions, and utilization within the practice of IM. From the perspective of this study, IM is viewed as an essential personality trait of an individual that determines
organizational productivity and societal stability. In other words, the implications of this study cover various knowledge users who construct their Islamic Moderation Personality.
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