A Critical Discourse Analysis of Representation of Women in Selected South Asian Songs

  • Farwa Qazalbash Kinnaird College for Women, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Badriah Khaleel Kinnaird College for Women, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Sabiha Tariq University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
Keywords: Punjabi songs, Lyrics, CDA, Gender stereotypes, Women’s representation


Abstract Views: 489


This paper analyzed how women are represented through derogatory use of language in the lyrics of the songs by men. This research is qualitative in its nature, different approaches of Critical Discourse Analysis as research tools, have been used to analyze the data. For a comprehensive analysis triangulated approach by Van Dijk (2006), Referential strategies by Reisigl and Wodak (2009), and schema of discursive reproduction of power by Dijk (2015) along with seven building tasks of language by (Gee, 2010) are used. The findings reveal that women are being portrayed as rapacious creature, as they tend to knee on just wealth and wealthiest, materialists, disloyal and liars, valueless as compared to men and as an object for sexual comfort for men, through different Punjabi songs. This study was focused only on the negative representation of women through Punjabi songs in South Asian countries, it can be analyzed how such representation of women in songs is affecting the thoughts of young generation. 

Key words: Punjabi songs, Lyrics, CDA, Gender stereotypes, Women’s representation


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How to Cite
Qazalbash, F., Badriah Khaleel, & Sabiha Tariq. (2021). A Critical Discourse Analysis of Representation of Women in Selected South Asian Songs. Media and Communication Review, 1(2), 40-60. https://doi.org/10.32350/mcr.12.03