بین المذاہب تعلقات کا قرآنی تصور
The Qur'anic Concept of Interfaith Relations

We find four basic dimensions of relations of interfaith religions with the study of Quran and Hadith, one of these four dimensions is Mawalaat to have loved by heart which is prohibited and abstained with some people in specific circumstances while otherwise allowed in normal conditions. The second dimension is Madaraat apparently good and soft behavior and attitude which is allowed to avoid hardships, to convince people on the religion of Islam, and for serving guests but strictly prohibited for self-interests and greediness.
The third dimension is Mawasaat to have sympathy and to observe pity with others which is not only allowed but highly admirable act, such type of activities with other religions in not bad in the eye of Islam but if there is an apprehension of loss which may occur to Muslims and Islam then in such a situation it is strictly not allowed. The fourth dimension is Muamlaat to have relations with others whether in the shape of trade, other matters of exchanging goods, and in otherworldly matters but if it causes degradation to the Muslims and promoting unbelievers then it is strictly not allowed.
Key words: Interfaith Relationship, Interfaith Dialogue, Mawalaat, Madaraat, Mawasaat, Muamlaat
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