پاکستان کے اسلامی مدارس میں تعلیم وتربیت کے اسالیب کا تحقیقی وتنقیدی جائزہ

Research and Critical Review of Education and Training Strategies in Islamic Madāris of Pakistan

  • Muhammad Waris PhD Scholar, Qartaba University, D. I. Khan
  • Muhammad Ajmal Farooq
Keywords: Pakistan, Education, Madāris, Islamic Knowledge, Research, Training,


Abstract Views: 81

The Madrasa is the source of knowledge and wisdom from which the passengers of the colorful world bloom who, after being irrigated with the holy chapter of knowledge, decides to camphor the darkness of barbarity from the world.  Then the light creatures are on the floor in their path.  The teacher is a mirror of a great position. The holy prophet said, "I am a teacher. Allah Almighty has sent me as a teacher."  The purpose of which is to adorn the servants of God with the adornment of education, to become a practical example of my eyes are bright, my heart is happy.  And Allah’s Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:  He recites and incarcerates them and teaches them the Book and Wisdom, even though they were in clear error before this.  This is the same school of prophecy about which Iqbal said: it was the miracle of the school and its training, who taught Ismail the good manners.

Key Words: Pakistan, Education, Madāris, Islamic Knowledge, Research, Training,  


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How to Cite
Muhammad Waris, & Farooq, M. A. (2022). پاکستان کے اسلامی مدارس میں تعلیم وتربیت کے اسالیب کا تحقیقی وتنقیدی جائزہ . Mujalla Islami Fikr-O-Tahzeeb (MIFT) / مجلہ اسلامی فکر و تہذیب, 1(2), 78-85. https://doi.org/10.32350/mift.12.05