امام شاطبی ؒ کی نگاہ میں کتاب و سنت کے تعلق کی مختلف جہیتں

Different Aspects of the Relationship between the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah: in the Perspective of Imam Shatibi

  • Hafiz Farhan Arshad Assistant Professor, Program Manager, Post Graduate, Islamic Studies Department, GIFT University, Gujranwala https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5143-9062
  • Hafiz Mahmood Akhtar Head of Department, Islamic Studies, GIFT University, Gujranwala
  • Saeed Ahmad Institute of Islamic Studies, University of the Punjab
Keywords: Quran, Sunnah, Islam, Al-Mawafqat, Imam Shatbi


Abstract Views: 128

Imam Shatibi in his famous book, Al-Mawafqat, has given a very elegant and unique discussion on the relationship between Qur'an and Sunnah. He endeavored to focus and synchronize the nature of Shari’ah in such a way that it should be in exact accordance with the holy Qur’an and Sunnah. He debated in a logical and systematic manner regarding the idea of the exegesis, the relationship between human interests and exposition, the nature of the certitude of the Qur’anic interpretation, the suspicions of the Ahad newspaper; in the exegesis Sunnah is the offshoot of the Qur'an, the completion of Shari’ah under the influence of certainty of Shari’ah, explanation of the partial rules of the Qur'an, investigating the dubitable branches by tracing down their origins, extension of the Qur'anic command due to genuine cause, inference from the Qur'anic allusions. Moreover, he has presented research on topics such as general customization and the precedence of Qur'an over Sunnah.

Keyword: Qur’an, Sunnah, Islam, Al-Mawafqat, Imam Shatbi


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شاطبی، ابراہیم بن موسی، الموافقات فی اصول الشریعۃ (دار ابن عفان، قاہرہ 1997ء) ۔

How to Cite
Hafiz Farhan Arshad, Hafiz Mahmood Akhtar, & Saeed Ahmad. (2022). امام شاطبی ؒ کی نگاہ میں کتاب و سنت کے تعلق کی مختلف جہیتں . Mujalla Islami Fikr-O-Tahzeeb (MIFT) / مجلہ اسلامی فکر و تہذیب, 2(1), 1-14. https://doi.org/10.32350/mift.21.01