عہدِ نبوی ﷺ میں مدنی معاشرے کی بنیادیں مدنی معاشرےمیں کی جانے والی سیاسی، سماجی اور معاشی اصلاحات کا تجزیاتی وتطبیقی مطالعہ
The Fundamentals of Madni Society in Prophet’s Era: An Analytical and Applied Study of Political, Social and Economic Reforms

It is essential that the Muslims acknowledge the fundamentals of the society which was established and developed by the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Makkah and Madīna. The Islamic welfare state which influenced and gained massive recognition in its early decades across the Arab peninsula was itself commendable. The glory and power of Islam had already reached in majesty of Iran, Rome and Habsha during the life time of prophet (PBUH). Following his footsteps, during the reign of the caliphates (prophet’s companions), Muslims conquered the regions of not only Qaiser and Qisra but also a large part of Asia. After that they entered Europe through conquering large regions of North Africa. The Islamic state which influenced the world in a very short span after its birth had marked a milestone in history for creating a socio-economic and political system that leads humanity towards positivism and constructivism. It is also necessary to go through the wisdom by which the prophet has transformed the destiny of Madni society and evolved Islamic civilization. Amidst the current scenario of Pakistan, it is of grave importance that a clear picture is drawn of Madni society during the era of holy prophet (PBUH). Furthermore, we are in dire need to represent the course of action adopted by him as no counter example of brotherhood, sacrifice, compassion among society could be seen as that created by our beloved prophet (PBUH). All of these have in deed led the society towards social, economic and political stability. Thus, it is the necessity of the time to keenly analyze, adopt and apply the fundamentals of Madni society to reform Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Keyword: Economic reforms, Madni society, Prophet’s Era, political stability, social reforms
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