خود کارہتھیار" اسلامی اساسی تناظرات کی روشنی میں"
"Contemporary Lethal Autonomous Weapons" and Islamic Perspective

The aim of this article is to introduce the Autonomous Weapon Systems (AWS) or Lethal autonomous weapon systems (LAWS); and its numerous problematic issues. Furthermore, it argues in favor of Islamic theoretical foundation to ban these weapons based on fundamental Islamic doctrines that concerned with human rights, war, weapons development and human life-saving principles in the perspective of maqāṣid al-sharīʿa and Sadd al-dharā’i. Similar principles could be traced in international treaties, for instance Geneva Conventions (1949), that firmly established an international customary law ensuring fundamental human rights for all humans regardless of their nature, culture or religion. I have endeavored to argue in this Islamic doctrinal study that in order to establish a treaty one must express major concerns and serious threats to humans’ lives, their basic rights and vast changes in ethics and laws for war and weapons development before legal appearance of far-reaching range of autonomous weapons systems.
Keywords: Autonomous weapon systems, maqāṣid al-sharīʿa, human rights, Sadd al-dharā’I, Geneva Conventions, customary law
US Department of Defense (2012) "Autonomy in Weapon Systems", 2012 , Glossary, Part II, Definitions, https://www.esd.whs.mil/portals/54/documents/dd/issuances/dodd/300009p.pdf
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