فقہی مباحث میں تحقیق کاطریقہ کار،دو(2) تمثیلی موضوعات کاتطبیقی مطالعہ
Research Methodology of Fiqhi Discourses, an applicational study of Allegorical Topics

Holy Quran and Hadith guide us about basics of research methods. The verse about verification of a news, if the narrator is not reliable and ahadith about prohibition of fake news are some examples, even if a matter is true and factual, Sharia guides to write it down, as a caution. Islamic research methodology is found in classical Fiqhi discourses, though it comes after the Hadith sciences. Fiqhi domain covers almost every sphere of life, its derived injunctions are applicable in social, political, economic and judicial matters which makes its research, while deriving injunctions, more important and its methodology more reliable. Fiqh addresses daily life matters and, supposedly, the future matters. Research methods applied in Fiqh are somewhat different from other research methodologies. Fiqhi methods like Istinbat (derivation), Istikhraj (extracted) and Ijtihad (free reasoning to solve current issues) are followed in Islamic discourses. Fiqh al aqalliat (jurisprudence of minorities) and Fiqh al Halal (Jurisprudence of declaring something as Halal or Haram) are addressing today’s issues faced by Muslim societies. Allegorical debates are always important to solve current as well as upcoming problems.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Humaira Ahmad, Sajid Anwar , Inayat Ur Rahman

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