عربی اور پنجابی کا لسانی تعلق: تاثیر اور تاثر کے آئینے میں
Linguistic Relations between Arabic and Punjabi: Exploring Influences and Impacts

The geographical ceremonies of Punjabi and Arabic cultures are not hidden from anyone. These two civilizations had been in close relationship in the past and even in the present day there are deep values among them. The economic and trade relations of these two regions also exist for centuries. The love of the people of Punjab for the Arabic language, the Arabic writings of Punjabi scholars and the Arabic poetry of the scholars belonging to this region also played an important role in creating the appreciation of this region in the hearts of the Arabs. It is clear from the research that in modern time, Arabic civilization has also been influenced by Punjabi civilization. Arabs are not only aware of Punjabi scholars but also appreciate them. In this article, the linguistic relations of Punjabi and Arabic languages have been made a topic and attention has been drawn to the fact that these two languages and these two civilizations are not alien to each other.
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