پاکستان میں عربی زبان وادب کا ارتقاء: ایک تاریخی مطالعہ ,
Development of Arabic language and literature in Pakistan: A Historical Study

Pakistan is a multilingual country where is six major and fifty local languages and accents are used in local and national level. English and Urdu are two official languages. Arabic language is also learned and understood due to religious language of Muslims. The majority of Pakistani is Muslim, and every Muslim should pray five times and read Quran every day in Arabic texts, so it is very important to Muslims to understand the Arabic language and that’s why every government of Pakistan has got constitutional efforts to promote Arabic language. Arabic language has been taught as compulsory subject in government schools. This research paper consists of critical review of what has been done for the promotion of Arabic language in Pakistan and what are the new horizons for this language in this society.
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An overview. Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad. 4 March 2023.
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مظہر معین، حاضر اللغۃ العربیۃ،ص،۲۵۶
ڈاکٹر احسان حقی ، باكستان ماضيها وحاضرها، ص:۳۶۵
خالق داد ملک،اضواء على تعليم اللغۃ العربيۃفي باكستان، ص: ۶۰
Raja Majid Moazzam, Dr.Tahir Aslam, and Muhammad Ashraf. 2023. “: The Objectives of the Arabic Language Learning and Its Impact on Their Language Learning Skills A Case Study of Universities of Pakistan and China”. AL-IDA’AT Research Journal 3 (2). https://alasr.com.pk/ojs3308/index.php/alidaat/article/view/121.
مظہر معین، حاضر اللغۃ العربیۃ،ص،۲۶۲
Copyright (c) 2024 Raja Majid Moazzam, Syed Mudassar Ali Gardazi

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