• Spring 2012
    Vol 2 No 1

    This is the third issue of the Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization. Unlike the first two issues which focused on certain topics (first issue was on "Islam and Modernity" and second was on "Islamic Civilization – Potentials and Challenges"), this issue covers a diverse range of topics from wealth management in Islam to Foucault‘s refutation of religion and from reconstruction of humanities in Islamic perspective to a reflection on the Muslim world‘s resources. This variety of topics not only depicts heterogeneity of Islamic Thought and Civilization but may also attract the interests of researchers from multiple fields of life.


  • Fall 2011
    Vol 1 No 2

    September 2011-Issue II

    This issue of the Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization comprises of research papers presented at the ‘International Conference on Islamic Civilization: Potentials and Challenges’ held in March 2011. The papers have been selected on the basis of the breadth of issues that they cover and their relevance in meeting the challenges that Muslim and non-Mulsim intellectuals come across in academic circles, in formal and informal exchange of ideas and insights, and in the ongoing and important task of cultivating the minds of Muslim youth to help them realize that they too can become channels of knowledge generation rather than being mere passive receivers of relentless knowledge onslaught from the West. If the readers find this issue of the Journal helpful in answering the questions that arise in their minds, or if it helps them to ask more intellectually demanding questions, then the editors can rightfully feel that the effort in putting together this issue has borne fruit.

  • Spring 2011
    Vol 1 No 1

    March 2011-Issue I

    The Journal of Islamic Thought and civilization is a research publication dedicated to scholarly study of Muslim thought. The Journal seeks to place Islamic Civilization as its central focus of academic inquiry. The main objective of the Journal is to promote the exchange of research findings. The first issue of the Journal is based on the research papers of National Conference on ?Islam and Modernity‘ that was organized by Department of Islamic Thought and Civilization, in March 2009 at University of Management and Technology, Lahore.


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