The Role of Social Media in Enhancing Pretension among Youth: A Descriptive Study

  • Ayesha Mirza
Keywords: Social Media, Facebook, Self-presentation, Self-expression, Self-acceptance


Abstract Views: 32

In this age of technology people are living and maintaining their social lives on social media instead of the real world. However, an increased social media usage and especially Facebook preference for self-identification is also a considerable phenomenon. By keeping in view, the importance of Facebook and its increased usage among youngsters for different purposes, the current study also aims to analyze “self-pretention” as a dominant usage purpose. This study is guided by four research questions that are answered by randomly selected respondents from Lahore, Pakistan. Results revealed the neutral responses of youth as majority of the youth use Facebook to entertain them while other spend their leisure time in using Facebook. Other purposes of usage include getting information about current situation in the country and building virtual relations to get more social around the globe. Thus, the researcher concluded that Facebook is not used as a tool of self-presentation and self-expression, but it is used as a tool of social acceptance. Further, the researcher discussed the limitation of study and recommendations for future research are given accordingly.


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How to Cite
Mirza, A. (2022). The Role of Social Media in Enhancing Pretension among Youth: A Descriptive Study. Media and Communication Review, 2(2), 40-60. Retrieved from