Author Guidelines

Manuscript Submission

Manuscripts submitted to International Health Review (IHR) should not be under consideration or being reviewed for publication in any other journal in any form. Duplicate submissions and submission of plagiarized content is not acceptable because it stands in blatant violation of publication ethics. 

Submission Checklist

The authors are requested to familiarize themselves with author guidelines and submission requirements of IHR before submitting their papers. There are no restrictions on the number of figures, word count and length of manuscripts but the text should be kept comprehensive and concise. The authors must ensure the presence of following,

Cover Letter

All manuscripts submitted to IHR, must be accompanied by a letter declaring that

  • This manuscript is original, is not published, in press, or submitted elsewhere in English or any other language, and is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere.
  • It should declare that all authors have approved the content of the manuscript and have contributed significantly to the work.
  • It should declare that all authors agree with submission of this manuscript to IHR
  • Affiliations, email addresses, postal addresses of all contributing authors. One author should be designated as the corresponding author.

A cover letter must also accompany a revised submission and must address, point by point, issues raised in the review process.

Organization of Article

Abstract, keywords/ and abbreviations,Main Text(Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion,Conclusion) ,Acknowledgements,Conflict of Interest Statement,References. Appendices (if relevant). Tables and figures (with legends, captions, relevant description, footnotes) should be added at the end of manuscript

Conflict of Interest Statement

Authors must disclose any potential conflict of interest including both financial or non-financial conflict of interest with other organizations and people that might raise question and claim biasness in reported findings or stated conclusions.

All authors must approve the content of the manuscript.
All references enlisted in the reference list should be cited in the text and vice versa.
Manuscripts should be written in English with proper grammar-check and spell-check.
Manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Office template

Article types

Original Research Paper

An original article consists of an abstract, introduction, material and methods, results, discussion, conclusion. The authors must provide complete, original, and significant quantitative findings illustrating the relevant empirical/theoretical questions.

Review Article

IHR welcomes detailed literature reviews, mini-reviews, systematic reviews (should be written in accordance with PRISMA guidelines), meta-analysis and scoping reviews. A review article must cover significant and latest advances in life sciences.

Short Communication

The authors should address novel ideas, negative results and controversial opinions in the form of short communication. Short communication must include an abstract, main body and conclusion with not more than 15 references, 2 figures and 1 table.

Letter to the Editor

The authors are welcome to submit critiques of articles published in IHR. Comprehensive, concise and brief reports of novel research findings may also be entertained as letters and the manuscript must not be divided into headings and sub-headings. The authors are allowed to add either one figure or one table in the letter.


The authors can also submit commentaries to IHR that should represent an author’s own perspective and tends to highlight an issue of significant relevance in life sciences. Commentaries should preferably be written by field-experts in an unstructured format.

Article Processing Charges

No fees apply to rejected articles, and there are no charges for submissions or additional fees based on article length, figures, or supplementary data; however, the article will only be processed for publication once the author pays the following APC on acceptance:

For International: 75$

For National: 10000 PKR

Style and Formatting

  • IHR accepts manuscripts in AMA Style Format. For AMA formatting, kindly click on AMA Style Formatting and make sure your manuscript follows the same pattern.

Reference Style

References should be written in AMA Manual of Style.

Editorial and Publishing Policies


IHR discourages the practice of honorary and ghost authorships. All authors enlisted in the manuscript must fulfill authorship criteria defined by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Furthermore, post-acceptance changes in authorship are not allowed.

Editorial Evaluation

The manuscripts submitted to IHR are first evaluated for their originality, scientific quality, contribution to the field and appropriateness. The acceptable manuscripts are then subjected to fair, rigorous and rapid peer-review.


After initial screening, the manuscripts go through double blind peer-review process and will be sent to two impartial expert referees having no conflict of interest with the authors. Peer-review process takes no more than 4-6 weeks. After receiving reviewer’s feedback, the editor will make the following recommendations,

  • Acceptance without revision
  • Acceptance subject to minor revision
  • Resubmission for review after major revision
  • Declined

Production and Publication

After acceptance, the manuscripts will be formatted and edited by journal’s editorial team. Both authors and readers will have free access to the final full length online version of the manuscript.


IHR is the owner of all copyright to any work published by the journal. Content published by the journal will not be allowed to be reproduced without the permission of publishers.


IHR takes strict action for publication misconduct, multiple and duplicate submissions, misleading and selective reporting, falsification and fabrication of data and findings, plagiarism and copyright infringement.

Experimental ethics

In case of studies that incorporate data from living human beings, the author(s) must include a statement declaring that the study was performed following the recognized standards of Declaration of Helsinki ( It should also be confirmed that all participants of the study must sign an informed consent document. Similarly, in case of an animal-model based study, the author(s) must include statement declaring adherence to animal research reporting standards.