Effects of Fungal Fermented Feeds on Broiler Chicken Growth Performance, Gut Morphology, and Gastrointestinal Tract Microecology: A Review

Due to the shortage of poultry feed ingredients and the resultant continuous increase in their prices, researchers have been looking for their alternatives. Agricultural wastes and by-products (such as wheat bran, rice husk, sour cherry kernel, palm kernel, cassava pulp, rapeseed meal, and corn meal) are among such alternatives, although they cannot be used directly due to their high crude fiber content. Fermentation is an evolving process that converts complex substrates into simpler molecules using bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms. It improves the nutrient content of feed ingredients. It is also used to ferment agricultural waste materials in order to improve their nutritional value, so they can be utilized as broiler feed. Moreover, it can provide an inexpensive feed source to poultry industry and convert waste materials into a useable product. Different bacterial and fungal strains are employed for fermentation. This review focuses on the use of fungal fermented agricultural waste-based feed and its effects on broiler chicken growth performance, gut morphology, and gastrointestinal tract microecology.
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