Small Cell Neuroendocrine Cervical Carcinoma: A Review

Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of cervix

Keywords: carcinoid tumors, cervical cancer, chemotherapy, cytological features, radiotherapy


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Small cell neuroendocrine cervical carcinoma (SCNCC) are neuroendocrine tumors neoplasms (NEN), an intrusive and rare disease originating from neuroendocrine cells that is basically linked with poor treatment or prognosis. Postoperative adjuvant peripheral radiotherapy has been described as a routine treatment. In spite of violent and unusual remedies, high mortality rate was observed in patients with earlier stage of neuroendocrine cervical carcinoma (NECC). The understanding was studied during the early stage of this malignancy, considered the desired work for the identification of predictive issues and optimum multi-modality treatment was concluded. By illustrating cytological elements along with reassessing the consequences of cytological smudges of cervix towards disease manifestations, the investigative specificity might be increased along with patient outcomes. Thus, a unique and novel methodology needs to be introduced to comprehend and cure this malignancy.


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How to Cite
Saeed, S., Iqbal, M. A., Liaquat, M., Parveen, S., & Sehar, E. (2024). Small Cell Neuroendocrine Cervical Carcinoma: A Review. BioScientific Review, 6(3), 13-34.
Review Article