Efficacy of Charcoal and Water Based Formulations of Bacillus subtilis to Promote the Growth of Triticum aestivum (L.)

Background. Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) are used with different carrier materials that provide habitat and nutrients to the bacteria. Charcoal is an important carrier material which also acts as the source of carbon for microorganisms.
Objective. This study aims to analyze the effects of charcoal and water-based formulations of Bacillus subtilis on the growth parameters of wheat plant, namely Triticum aestivum L.
Methodology. Five strains of B. subtilis were selected including Z-12, Z-16, Z-24, Z-44, and Z-66. The cellular morphology of the strains was examined by performing Gram and endospore staining. For their further characterization, several biochemical tests were performed. Strains were evaluated for auxin production by growing them in Luria-Bertani (LB) broth, supplemented with 0, 400, and 800 μg/ml concentrations of L-tryptophan. Charcoal and water-based formulations of single and mixed cultures, namely C1 (Z-12, Z-44, Z-66), C2 (Z-12, Z-16, Z-24), and C3 (Z-16, Z-44, Z-66) were applied to soil and seeds, respectively. Multiple growth parameters were examined under laboratory and natural conditions including root length, shoot length, fresh weight, dry weight, tillers, spike length, and seed weight.
Results. Colorimetric analyses revealed strains Z-44 and Z-66 as more active in auxin production. Under laboratory conditions (water-based), mixed culture C1 showed maximum improvement in all parameters. Among water-based formulations, mixed cultures C1 and C3 successfully exhibited maximum growth under natural conditions. Among charcoal-based formulations, strains Z-12 and Z-24 recorded maximum improvement in seed weight and spikelet count at the final harvesting stage.
Conclusion. The study concluded that both types of PGPR formulations significantly enhanced the growth parameters of wheat.
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