HCV induced thrombocytopenia in Punjab,Pakistan

HCV is the main causal agent of blood transmitted hepatitis which can lead to the development of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma in infected persons. In patients with HCV related hepatic diseases, immune mediated responses against surface antigens can cause the destruction of platelets. Despite a high prevalence of HCV and its extrahepatic presentations, reports on platelet count in HCV infected patients are scarce. Therefore, this study aims to determine thrombocytopenia in suspected HCV patients in Lahore, Pakistan. It also aims to find out its association with other factors such as age, gender, viral load and ALT. For this cross-sectional retrospective study, blood samples were collected from 200 suspected HCV patients, including both male and female patients, who were between 20-69 years of age. Serum ALT levels were determined and HCV antibodies were detected. Thrombocytopenia was defined as the platelet count below 150,000/μL. Pearson’s correlation was used to find out the statistically significant relationship of platelet count with age, viral load and ALT. Platelet count varied between 29.00- 402.00 x 103 /μl. The mean platelet count was 206.87 ± 83.88 x 103 /μl. Platelet count less than 150 x 103/μl was considered as thrombocytopenia, whereas platelet count measuring above 150 x 103/μl was considered normal. It was normal in 72% patients and low in 28% patients. There was a negative correlation between age and platelet count which was statistically significant (r = -0.304, N= 200, p = 0.00012).
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Copyright (c) 2020 Kanwal Sarwar, Sarmad Zahoor Zahoor, Imran Tipu

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