Assessing the Potential of Sustainable Urban Regeneration in Lahore: A Case Study of Orange Line Metro Train Route

Urban regeneration is viewed as a far-reaching field in urban planning. Urban regeneration contributes not just to set up new urban structures in urban communities, yet in moulding the urban communities as well. The long-term vision of urban regeneration projects along with transit corridors is to promote sustainable patterns of urban growth by ensuring all urban design features and creating higher densities along transit and non-motorized transit use. This research aims to assess the potential of urban regeneration along the route of Orange Line Metro Train. The primary data was gathered using in-depth interviews and structured questionnaires. All the 26 stations of Orange Line Metro train were divided into three equal stratums. Furthermore, the middle order station had been selected from all the three stratums and for each selected station a buffer was drawn of half of a kilometer radius and selected as a sample of the study area. Respondents were asked about their opinion regarding the significance level of the different urban design features of a sustainable urban regeneration project. The Cronbach’s alpha of the data collection instrument was calculated as 0.71, which is higher than the acceptable reliability coefficient. The validity test was completed by Principal component analysis. Varimax rotation was used for the rotation of components. KMO adequacy test was 0.707, which must be more than 0.5 to retain the variables, and the variables with Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure less than 0.5 must be excluded from the study. Bartlett’ Test was significant at p<.05. The significance index of urban design features for sustainable urban regeneration projects had been calculated. Overall, the necessary attributes of sustainable urban regeneration project were found. The research provides the priority areas of urban regeneration as per the key stakeholders along the Orange Line Metro Train Route.
Keywords: Urban regeneration, Light Rail Transit (LRT), urban design features, mixed development, security against crimes, price premier
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