Architectural Conservation Plan of Baha-ul-Haleem’s Tomb, Uch Sharif

It is very important to conserve the built heritage of a country using well integrated sustainable measures. Indeed, all historical monuments should be appropriately and accurately conserved irrespective of their visibility. The ethics of the conservation of any building, monument, or site pertains to their individual conditions and thus conservation measures should be suggested accordingly. In individual cases of conservation, the set of decisions taken may vary from time to time in response to the condition of the site. Therefore, both tangible and intangible sets of remedies to conserve a particular heritage site should be designed to produce an accumulative solution for its conservation. Keeping in view the conservation of Baha-ul-Halim’s tomb, a detailed and systematic approach has been adopted and proposed in this paper. Different aspects of its conservation have been discussed and future implications are also stated for the sustainable management of this heritage site.
Keywords: Cultural heritage, monument, sustainable management
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Copyright (c) 2022 Zeshan Ashraf, Saud Kamal, Yasmeen Abid Maan, Sumbal Shahbaz, Muti ul Haq

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