Use of Innovative Tools and Techniques for Heritage Preservation in the Digital Era: Academic Research on Asaf Khan’s Tomb in Lahore

In today’s digital era, as resources diminish and globalization provokes more regimented situations, innovative technologies such as parametric modeling, Building Information Modelling, 3D printing, and 3D scanners present dynamic answers for conserving and preserving traditional buildings. The main aim of this research is to explore digital technologies and tools to indicate how they can be of assistance in heritage preservation. Moreover, it also aims to identify the techniques that can make this laborious process more efficient and precise. All around the world, heritage sites are brought to life with the help of augmented models. This research highlights the digital methodology, tools, and techniques not fully explored due to limited funding and opportunities but present here as the evolving concept in the field of heritage conservation. It is more about the examination and investigation of the preservation process with the help of digital technology. It also explores the extent of possibilities and opportunities these digital tools can provide. Digital techniques and tools are extensively used within the traditional heritage internationally. However, Pakistan is still lagging behind in this domain. This study reconnoiters the impending uses of digital techniques in preserving architectural heritage and highlights how simple usage of these instruments can make the whole process more efficient and convenient. The outcomes specify that these tools provide many advantages over the traditional methods of conservation and have proved to be more useful and accurate. The application of photogrammetry to create models of old structures is also discussed. Moreover, the creative use of these tools to develop cordiality to original structures without replacing or damaging them is explored. This paper examines the application of these cutting-edge technologies for the preservation of architectural heritage in Pakistan with specific reference to a Mughal era structure in Lahore, that is, Asaf Khan’s Tomb. Despite the rich architectural heritage of Lahore, there is no proper conservation methodology currently practiced to preserve it. The above mentioned structure was surveyed, documented and the then-current situation was modeled using different softwares including Building Information Modeling in Revit. For the climatic and solar analysis of the structure, Ladybug which is a Rhino plug-in was explored and Microsoft Form it was used for the detailed solar energy analysis.
Keywords: building information modeling, digital tools and technology, heritage conservation, photogrammetry
Copyright (c) 2021 Quratulain Asghar, Adnan Jalil, Madiha Zaman

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