Development of Ecotourism for Local Economic Growth in Chotiari Wetland Complex-Sanghar, Sindh Pakistan

Tourist organizations, such asSindh Tourism Development Corporation (STDC), Sustainable Development Foundation (SDF), andWorldWide Fund for Nature-Pakistan (WWF-Pakistan), agree that ecotourism has a significant potential to invite both domestic and foreign visitors. Accordingly, ecotourism industry has been promoted as one of the most important tourist industries due to its potential for protecting natural resources, while also improving the socio-economic conditions of local residents. As per thereview of relevant literature, most of the developed and underdeveloped nations utilize their natural assets for tourism and economic upliftment. Thus, the study aimed at determining how ecotourism development adds to the economic growth of local communities of the study region. The research was carried out in Chotiari Wetland Complex,Sindh, Pakistan primarily due to its scenic natural assets. The research sample included officials of local non-governmental organizations (NGOs), local community organizations, the management of Chotiari's Nature Reserve, local leaders, and individuals from local households living inareas surrounding the wetland.A sample of 60 participants was chosen from the communityusing a random sampling methodology. Mixed-methods research, comprising both quantitative and qualitative methodologies,wasused to collect and analyzethe collected data, interpret results, and draw conclusions. A questionnaire survey was used as a toolto collect data. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS version 22) was utilized to evaluate quantitative records, while content interpretation was conductedtoevaluate qualitative information. The findings indicated that ecotourism and wetland developmentimprovedthe local economic growth of the studied region through jobcreation and capacity building.
Keywords: ecotourism,foreign visitors, local economic growth, natural resources, wetland development, WWF-Pakistan
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