Deep Beauty at the Functional Level:A Case Study of HarSukh Mansion, Lahore

There is growing apprehension about the well-being and substantiality of our planet due to global warming, rising energy consumption by the building sector, and depletion of natural resources. Architects and designers are in pursuit of the methodsthat may prove useful to limit the negative impacts of the buildingsector in order torespondto the changing needs of contemporary times. In Pakistan, along with the use and development of technologically advanced approaches, the revival of traditional vernacular architecture is seen as a way to achieve a sustainable future. In this study, the HarSukh Mansion, designed by the renowned traditionalist architect Kamil Khan Mumtaz, was evaluated based on the functional level of the Deep Beauty framework. In addition to examining the pragmatic needs of the users with respect to the building architecture, the case study also investigated the fundamentals of sustainable living, including modern passive energy strategies, recycling of natural resources, use of locally available building materials, and various traditional design elements and strategies. The analysis determined that Deep Beauty in architecture can be used to build a sustainable future for the building sector.
Keywords: Deep beauty, energy-efficient, functional beauty, lifestyle, self-sufficient, sustainability, traditional architecture
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