Visualizing Lahore

The Evolving Trends in the Architectural Culture and Identity of Lahore from Walled City to Date

  • Emmara Arshad University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
Keywords: architecture, culture, visualization, Lahore, walled city


Abstract Views: 707

In this research paper, it has been discussed how the architecture of Lahore emerged with the passage of time under various socio-political influences. The influences of cultural, political and social factors on the architecture of Lahore during various historical eras have been discussed. One can see that these influences are still alive in the city of Lahore contributing towards its uniqueness. The changes in the social trends of the population have been discussed also. They are an important factor in shaping the urban form of any society. It has been further discussed in the paper how the architects and clients are blindly copying the western style of architecture and the picture of Lahore that will emerge in the upcoming years.


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How to Cite
Arshad, E. (2018). Visualizing Lahore. Journal of Art, Architecture and Built Environment, 1(1), 69-84.