A Comparative Analysis of Energy Provisions of Pakistan Building Code with Indian and USA Building Energy Codes

The current energy scenario of Pakistan requires the adoption of a proper energy consumption framework to meet the demands of the Pakistani society. This paper compares the energy codes developed by ASHRAE (United States) and Bureau of Energy Efficiency (India) to suggest improvements in development of the energy conservation building codes for Pakistan. It has been realized that taking all relevant stakeholders on board is vital for the development, adoption and compliance of energy conservation building codes at provincial level. It is also evident that energy conservation culture has to be developed in all segments of the society to lessen energy consumption, reduce carbon emissions and create a sustainable future. The energy codes of Pakistan lack adoption mechanism and climatic zoning needed for building thermal performance. The comparative analysis shows that the thermal building code of Pakistan is the key instrument to reduce energy pressure while providing occupants comfortable living space. It has been concluded that the government should develop code adoption and compliance system for the reduction of energy demand in buildings.
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