A Study of Disintegration of Lahore from a City of Gardens to a City of Congestion

Historically, Lahore is known as the city of gardens. The Mughal emperors, Sikh Raj and the British colonial rulers developed several parks in and around the city of Lahore which continue to provide the much needed public space for the city's growing population. However, the present government has been enacting massive road development projects which include mass-transit, signal free corridors and overpasses. This has led to an increased urban sprawl and property destruction as more and more space is required for the widening of roads and construction work. Historical sites, including parks, tombs and graveyards, mosques, churches and government offices etc are under severe threat due to these expansionist policies. Apart from the encroachments, Lahore's air quality has been deteriorating at a steep pace due to vehicular traffic and industrial emissions. This paper des-cribes the extent and nature of damages to several historical building facades and their structures. These buildings include Jahangir's tomb, Shalimar Gardens and the Chauburji monument. Moreover, the impact of Badami Bagh Bus Terminal's location and haphazard industrial development around the heritage sites will also be discussed. The studies of various environmental regulatory bodies indicate the ambiguity in the emergence of law as the sole savior, including the judicial activism for the protection of the environment. The paper concludes that due to short-sightedness behind the urban policies of the government, serious threats are posed to cultural heritage sites and there is a strong need for their re-alignment.
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