Rethinking Future. A Potential Solution for Encroachment and Illegal Bazar around Shalimar Gardens, Lahore

  • Rabia Khaskheli Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, China and Shaheed Allah Buksh Soomro University of Art, Design and Heritages, Jamshoro, Pakistan
  • Zhang Weiping Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, China
Keywords: encroachment, redesign, rejuvenation, streets, streetscape, Shalimar gardens


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The infrastructure of streets is the lifeline of any developed city. If one wants to experience the urban culture of any city, then the streets are the best place to wander for this. Thus, the streetscape of a city remains a decisive element in its success. In any city, “its streetscape" not just adds to the experiential quality of the built space but also portrays the natural built fabric of the street. Stakeholders, such as hawkers, cyclists, pedestrians, and vehicles utilize the streets. Likewise, occupants living on a specific street also play a significant part in helping to analyze the nature of that specific street. The current paper discusses the problems with the streets of Shalimar Gardens, Lahore (a world heritage site). Furthermore, it provides a redesign solution for these streets marred with the issues encroachment and illegal Bazar using streetscape methodology, which is an important rejuvenation endeavor for the streetscape of the city.


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Master Plan of Existing Shalimar Garden
How to Cite
Khaskheli, R., & Weiping, Z. (2023). Rethinking Future. A Potential Solution for Encroachment and Illegal Bazar around Shalimar Gardens, Lahore. Journal of Art, Architecture and Built Environment, 6(2), 102-136.