Impacts of Pandemic on Urban Pedagogy, Research, and Practice: Online Studio Pre-Requisites, Opportunities, and Pitfalls

  • Muhammad Fazal Noor Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan
  • Humaira Nazir Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan
Keywords: architectural education, COVID-19 pandemic, efficient means, online studio, Pakistan Council of Architects and Planners (PCATP)


Abstract Views: 30

Online studios gained popularity in the wake of the spread of COVID-19 pandemic. Physical “lockdown” of Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) forced the Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan to allow universities to carry on learning and examination through the online mode. HEC developed protocols and in consultation with university administrations recommended faculty training, procedural formulation, and technology development requirements for the continuation of online classes and examination. This initiative motivated the departments and schools of architecture in different universities to undertake online classes as well as studios. Pakistan Council of Architects and Town Planners (PCATP), the accreditation body, laid down further protocols for conducting online studios and juries. Thus, between spring 2020 and spring 2021 an online studio pedagogy emerged. The current study brings together thinking, experiences, and viewpoints on online studio pedagogy through a review of webinars and online documentation, conducted along with the interviews of professionals, academics, and students. The main objective of this research is to verify the significance of online studio vis-à-vis studios and juries conducted physically. It also aims to delineate the pre-requisites, opportunities, and risks involved in online studios in the context of Pakistan. Students’ feedback on the importance and preference of online or physical studio was collected through online survey and face to face (F2F) discussion. SPSS was used to correlate the variables. The study would help studio instructors and learners to improve their capabilities, equipment, environment, and daily discipline. Moreover, it is also expected to contribute in the discussion on National Curriculum development towards a more realistic, relevant, and resource efficient means for architectural education.


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Implementing the Pre-requisites
How to Cite
Noor, M. F., & Nazir, H. (2023). Impacts of Pandemic on Urban Pedagogy, Research, and Practice: Online Studio Pre-Requisites, Opportunities, and Pitfalls. Journal of Art, Architecture and Built Environment, 6(1), 20-45.