Development of Slums in Qasimabad, Sindh

The word ‘slum is often used to describe an area characterized by chaotic settlements with poor basic facilities and inadequate living conditions. UN-HABITAT defines slum living as a dwelling where people live in close quarters in urban areas. The dwellers of slums require enough living space, long-term housing, access to quality drinking water, and a proper sanitation system as a basic living right. The development of slums in Pakistan, as in many other third-world nations, is due to increasing urbanization. Moreover, it is also the outcome of the government's inability to provide rural migrants in urban centers with the housing they need. Hyderabad, one of the fastest-growing cities in the province, has seen significant industrialization, with the Qasimabad sub-local being the area most affected by the urbanization process in Hyderabad. This region has seen the conversion of 3508 agricultural land parcels into a housing development. Precise data points were found while gathering the data and reports. Secondary data, in the form of census reports, master plans, and various evaluations, was used to explore the issues faced by people living in slums. By combining GIS, field surveys, and community engagement, stakeholders may create comprehensive maps highlighting the challenges and opportunities within unplanned neighborhoods. However, findings revealed that Qasimabad has experienced a significant rise in slum areas, highlighting several underlying socioeconomic and infrastructural challenges.
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