Urban Conservation: A Transformational Vision for an Abandoned Hindu Temple in Lahore

Lahore is an ancient city known for its diverse culture, art, and history, which is nearly 2,000 years old. Before the partition of the subcontinent, Lahore served as a home not only to Muslims but also to Sikhs, Christians, Jains, Hindus, and other religions. There were many places of worship built for different religions at that time. After partition, the majority of the Hindus migrated to India and left behind their abandoned worship places, that is, temples. These temples were occupied by the Muslims who migrated to Lahore from India. With the passage of time, they have declined significantly and need proper measures for their preservation. These abandoned temples are one of the significant remains of Lahore’s rich cultural background. Therefore, it is imperative to conserve these structures. One of the historically significant temples is the Old Basuli Hanuman temple. This study mainly focuses on the conservation of this prestigious temple, located on Aibak Road adjacent to the new Anarkali Bazar. It attempts to identify the barriers to the conservation of Hindu temples and formulates strategies that can be used for their conservation. These may include the restoration or reconstruction of the temple back to its original identity or changing it to a completely different economically and aesthetically beneficial structure. Furthermore, this study aims to pave the way for the preservation not only of the Old Basuli Hanuman temple but also of other neglected heritage sites.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Asim Muhammad, Jarrar Haider, Saima Rafique

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