Diverse Sacred Experiences in Placemaking: A Study of Data Darbar Complex

The current study aimed to examine one of the most famous and visited shrine of Pakistan with focus on the spiritual spatial dynamics of the Ali Hajveri Shrine, or Data Darbar Complex. For this purpose, the theoretical framework of placemaking was used. Visitors with a deep, intangible spiritual connection visit the shrine. This emphasizes the shrine’s role as a communal site with a daily influx of thousands of people. The visitation of people to the shrine showcases its significance as a refuge for the homeless which also serves as a symbol of hope. The study explored how effectively the shrine develops spiritual connections and enhances visitor experiences through its architectural elements. The expansion of the shrine has introduced new layers and systems which complicate the visitor experience. The courtyard creates a strong connection with the ground and sky; however, lower ground floor limits this experience. The confined dim spaces lack a divine connection and fail to develop cohesive spatial relationship. By analyzing the historical evolution of the site, as detailed by Ghaffar Shahzad, the research aimed to offer a comprehensive understanding of how the development of the shrine has shaped the spiritual and visitor experiences over time, with reference to spirituality and placemaking.
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