From the rich treasures of Dagestani manuscripts at Princeton and a crash course on historiography to current developments gripping the Muslim world, this issue of the Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization is noticeable for the diversity of topics covered. While compiling this issue, the editors have taken care to include articles that are likely to arouse the interest of the general reader as well as the serious scholar. So the insight into the Arab Spring or the recent controversy surrounding the visual depictions of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) will be read with special interest. The critique on Orientalism and cultural hybridity in colonial India will evoke strong interest as many among us still identify with the ramifications of both.
The focus of the JITC has always been broad based, encompassing myriad facets of the Islamic Thought and Civilization because the subject itself is vast and largely unexplored. It is our mission to devote our energies towards exploring it.